
be required to, throughout the life / 라이브 아카데미 영어 스피킹 연습

울월스 2023. 2. 27. 23:59

*영상 출처 유튜브 라이브아카데미
I think people who have children and become parents should be required to go through some kind of parent training for at least a couple of weeks, or even months. (두꺼운 부분 강세 표시)
should, have to : ~ 해야한다.
should be required to : ~규정, 규율에 의해 필요성을 어필할 때, 해야한다

I know it can sound quite demanding and somewhat unrealistic, but think about how important a person's childhood is and how much impact it has throughout their lives. 
I know it can sound ~ : ~게 들릴 수 있다 = I understand ~
throughout the life : 삶에 걸쳐서 / 살아가는 데 있어서
I'm actually surprised we don't already have such a thing.
아직도 ~ 하다는게 놀라워(어떤 일이 지체되고 있는 걸 지적하는 상황)
= I'm actually surprised that ~ already ~ .
= I'm actually surprised that ~ , yet.

- 예시
I'm actually surprised that you haven't made desicion yet.
너가 아직도 결정을 못했다니 놀라워. 

- such a thing : 그런 게, 그런 것이, = something like that
