
6개 나라를 유학하며 느낀 것

울월스 2023. 3. 10. 00:04



학위 과정의 마지막 3년 동안 저는

운이 좋게도 4개의

도시를 고향으로 부를 수 있었습니다. 저는 샌프란시스코에서 첫 해를 공부했습니다. 저는

베를린에서 8개월 동안 살았습니다. 저는 한국의 서울에서 한 학기를 공부했습니다.

올해 나는 아르헨티나로 이사할 것이고

타이페이와 대만은

내 어린 시절이

결코 상상하지 못했던 것처럼 그것이

내 대학 생활의 현실이 될 것이라고

꿈이 이루어졌습니다.

그것이 내 대학 경험이었습니다.

인생을 바꾸는 멋진 시간을 정의하는 대부분의 성격

그리고 낭만적으로 만들기가 너무 쉽다고 생각합니다.

또한 일반적으로

이 경험의 멋진 부분을

온라인으로 공유하지만 장면 뒤에는 어려운 부분이 너무 많아서

오늘 그것에 대해 이야기하고 싶습니다.

당신은 또한 해외에서 공부했거나

고려 중이거나 아마도 당신은

평생 동안 많이 이사했을 수도 있지만

이것이 실제로 어떤 것인지에 대한 더 많은 통찰력을 제공하기를 바랍니다.

장소 문화 충격에 대해 얼마나 많은 연구를 했는지는

항상 문화적으로 적합하지 않다고 느낄 때

새로운 사람을 집처럼 느끼게 하는 것이 매우 어려울 수 있습니다.

예를 들어

항상 채팅하는 데 익숙합니다.

출퇴근길이나 통학길에 친구들이

갑자기 한국으로 이사를 가는데

버스에 탄 모든 사람들이 당신을 쳐다볼 것입니다.

낯선 사람들이

당신과 상호 작용하는 방식 슈퍼마켓에서 일하는 방식

당신이 알고 있는 것의 모든 부분과 같은 쓰레기 처리 방법 당신이

어떻게 성장했는지

당신이 유지하는 가치 체계는

세계 각지마다 다릅니다.

2번에 익숙해지기가 어려울 수 있습니다.

대부분의 경우 예산이 4개월이었습니다.

저는 4개월 동안만 도시에 머물렀고

지금은 몇

번 해봤기 때문에 항상 똑같습니다.

첫 달이 티인 방법  s 미친 문화 충격

도시가 어떻게 작동하는지 작동하는 방법


수단은 어떻게 작동합니까 여기에서 친구를 사귈 수 있습니까

체육관은 어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까 어디에서

운동합니까 저렴한 음식 장소는 어떻게 찾습니까

멋진 이벤트는 어떻게 찾습니까  나는

여기서 어떻게 살아남을 수 있습니까 두 번째

달 쿨 당신은

문화 충격과 같은 정말 어려운 부분을 해결했습니다.

새로운 장소를 배우는 것 하지만 bam for

me 그때 유니가 갑자기

힘들어지기 시작합니다 유예 기간이 끝났습니다

그들은 시작합니다  당신의 방식대로 일을 던지며

일주일에 최소한 에세이를 쓰고

멋진 당신은 천천히 적응하고 있습니다 당신은

세 번째 달에 도달합니다. 세 번째 달은

당신이 정말로 당신의 그루브에 있는 곳입니다.


친구를 사귀기 시작했을 수도 있습니다.

도시의 레이아웃을 알게 되었습니다.

어디로 가고 있는지 알고

거의 현지인처럼 느끼고

다음 계획을 세우는 4개월에 도달합니다.  너를 움직여'  여름을 다시 계획하거나

다음 학기에 갈 곳을 계획하고 있습니다.

짐을 싸려고 생각하고 있습니다.

fomo로 가득 찬 가장 정신없는 4개월 동안 도시에서 할 수 있는 모든 놀라운 일을 놓칠까 봐 두려움을 알고 있습니다.

장소와 사람들은

몇 달 만에 강제로 찢어지고

세 번째는

그 기간 동안 어딘가에 살고 있습니다.

당신이 현지인처럼 느껴지기 시작

하지만 결코

당신처럼 어울리지 않을 정도로 얕습니다.

관광객이 아니라 현지인도 아닌 모든 것을 이해하지 못할 것입니다.

이제 대화를 나눌 수 있을 만큼 언어를 배웠을 것입니다.

상점에 갈 수 있고

현지인을 알고 있고 가질 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.  좋은

대화  하지만 당신은

내가 각 도시에 있는 동안 장기간 친구를 사귀기 위해 적절하게 통합될 수 있을 만큼 충분히 유창하지 않을 것입니다. 또한

다음 도시에 대한 비자 절차를 탐색해야 합니다.

예를 들어


최고의 삶을 살고 있는 베를린에 있었지만 여전히

가야만 했습니다.  한국 대사관에

서울행 비자를 분류하기 위해


다음에 일어날 일을 따라잡기 위해 달리고 있는 것처럼 느껴지고 그 도시

에 있는 곳에 완전히 존재하지 않고


경험을 흡수하고 있는 것 같습니다.  대학과 여행의 균형을 맞추는

스트레스를 다섯 번째로 가질 수 있어서 다행입니다.

여기에서 그것에 대해 충분히 이야기하지 않는 것 같습니다.



제 유니가 우리에게 너무 많은 일을 주는 것이 너무 어렵습니다. 모든

유니는  힘들지만 내 g처럼  OD 나는

그들이 모두 힘든지 모르겠습니다 나는

매 학기마다 지칠 뻔했습니다 왜냐하면

그것은 단지 엄청난 양의 에세이와

엄청난 양의 독서 활발한 수업

우리는 모든 도시에서 인턴십을하므로

우리는 그곳에서 일하는 문화에 있고

그런 다음 룸메이트도 있으므로 그

자체로 한 학기 전체가 될 수 있습니다.

사회적 역학을 탐색하는 방법을 배우는 방법

친구를 사귀는 방법

집을 돌보는 방법 집을

항상 깨끗하게 유지하고 상호 작용이 잘되는지 확인

하지만 그런 다음 포기합니다.  무엇보다

과중한 업무량과

항상 국가를 이동하고 문화를 이동한다는 사실이



여러 면에서 매우 유연한 사람이 되는 이점이 있습니다. 저를

어디든지 데려다 줄 수 있을 것 같습니다.  세상의

모든 문화에서 또는 어떤 종류의 사람과 함께 살고 있는지

알아낼 것입니다.

지난 몇 년 동안 강제로 하게 된 것이 기분이지만

다시는 편안하지 않기 때문입니다. 또 다른 이점

항상 새벽

3시에 잠자리에 들고 싶어하지만

충분한 수면과

일찍 일어나는 것만으로도 번성하는 룸메이트가 있다면 당신을 좋아하게 만드는 데 필수적인 습관이 무엇인지 정말 배워야 합니다.

그것이 당신에게 중요하다는 것을 알고

그것을 실현하기 위해 또는

요가와 명상과 같은 일을 할 시간을 찾는 것이

나에게 매우 중요하고 아무도

나를 위해 그것을 해줄 수 없기 때문에

인생이 스트레스가 많고 정신없이 바쁘더라도 알 수 있습니다.

그 습관이 일어나도록 시간을 내야 해요

6번 연애 생활 얘들아 저는

연애 생활 전체를 어디서부터 시작해야 할지 모르겠고

이 미친 유학 미네르바 프로그램에서 얼마나 비이상적인지


가장 좋은 시나리오 네 가지

시나리오 1이 있습니다.

집에서 장거리 관계를 가지고 있습니다. 여름에 그들을 봅니다.

시차를 탐색할 수

있지만 대부분의 학위를 본 적이 없습니다.

인생을 바꾸는 모든 전남편이 있습니다.

당신의 중요한 다른 시나리오와는 다릅니다. 두 번째는

대학에서 미네르바에 있는 사람을 찾고 제 코호트에는

160명 정도가 있으므로 가장 큰 사람 풀은 아니지만

가능한 사람과

함께 세계를 여행할 수 있다는 의미입니다.


미친 유학 경험과 관련이 있지만 그것은


당신의 삶 사이에 많은 분리가 없기 때문에 당신에게 엄청나게 강렬할 것이라는 것을 의미합니다. 당신의

친구들이 당신의 경험을 겹칠 것입니다.


작은 커뮤니티이므로

세 번째로

회전하는 도시 중 한 곳에서 누군가를 만나고 회오리 바람의 로맨스가 있습니다.

사랑에 빠졌다가


다시는 볼 수 없으며

비자조차 얻지 못할 수도 있습니다.

여권이 약하거나 그들과

장거리 관계를 시작하고


학위를 보지 않고 계속할 수 있기 때문입니다.

나중에 그 나라로 돌아가서 비자를 받을 수 있는지 또는

마지막으로 네 번째로

각 도시에 인맥이 있거나 행복하게 독신으로 남아 있으므로

그것이 당신의 연애 생활 옵션입니다.

그들 중 누구도 이상적이지 않습니다.  나는

일반적으로 당신도 당신의 길을 올바르게 선택하지 않는다고 말하므로


당신이 좋아하는 사람을 선택하지 않지만 20대 초반은

당신의 인생을 형성하는 시기라고 생각하고

삶과 관계를 사랑합니다.

자신을 찾는 것의 일부이므로

너무 많이 돌아다니는 것이 힘들고


집에서 친구를 잃는다는 것을 탐색하는 것입니다.

중등 학교를 졸업하고 대학을 시작할 때마다

친구들과 매일 연락하는 횟수가 적지만

항상 다른 시간대의 다른 나라에 있으면서

세계관을 완전히 바꾸는 이 추가된 계층입니다.

왜냐하면 당신은 이 모든 다른 문화에 살았고

모든 곳에서 온 친구가 있기 때문입니다.

집에 있는 친구들과 공감할 수 없는 이 미친 삶을 정의하는 경험들 당신은

그냥 떨어져 나갑니다. 저는 여전히

집과 학교에 많은 친구들이 있지만

그것이 제가 애도하는 정도에서 가장 큰 것 중 하나라고 생각합니다.

선택한 것은 우정을 유지하는 것이 가능한 것처럼 일년 내내 물리적으로 거기에 있지 않기 때문에

집에 있는 내 뿌리에

그렇게 많이 투자할 수 없다는 것입니다.

당신과 같은 대학에서의 스트레스와 압박감 때문에

모든 사람을 따라잡을 시간이 항상 있는 것은 아닙니다. 그것은 슬프고

당신이 가졌던 우정을 다정하게 되돌아보고

일이 어떻게 멀어지는지에 대한 적대감이 없어도 괜찮다고 생각합니다.

하지만 여전히 슬프고

인정할 가치가 있다고 생각합니다. 저는 국제 사회에 있을 때

가장 큰 편안함

과 집 같은 느낌을 자주 받는다는 것을 알았습니다.


이 혼성 경기 문화가 있는 지역 사회에 있는 것을 정말 좋아합니다.

이제 대학에서


특히 여러

곳에서 유학하는 것의 어두운 면이 있습니다. 제

집에 대한 개념과 집이 저에게 의미하는 바에 대해 조금 이야기하고 싶습니다.

집이라고 하면 집에 대한 의문도 들지만

집이라고 하면

가족과 함께 영국에 있는 고향인데

지금은 몇 군데 다른

곳에서 살았고 그곳에서 오랜 시간을 살았고

그곳에서 많은 추억을 만들었습니다.

여러 곳에 집이 있는 것 같은 느낌이 듭니다. 저의 일부가 있습니다.

서울의 후반 찬에 있는 집의 일부가 베를린의 크로이츠베르크에 있으며

어쩌면 그보다 훨씬 더 많은 사람들이 저에게 집이 될 것입니다.

이러한 장소에 대한 경험과 대화를 나눌 때마다

다시 집을 찾는 것 같습니다. 이 새로운 집 개념의 슬픈 부분은

내가 그곳에 있을 때처럼 항상 다른 집을 그리워한다는 것입니다.  uk 분명히 나는

행복하고 현재이며 내 가족을 사랑합니다  y 나는

거기에있는 것을 좋아

하지만 나는 또한 아 나는 베를린이 그립고 나는

매일 그 삶을 깨우는 것이 그리워

오 마이 갓 샌프란시스코에있는 것이

그리워 나는 영광스러운

태양을 깨우고만으로 내려가는 것이 그리워

내가 항상 가는 곳에서 커피를 마시는 것은

거의 각 장소에서 내 삶의 단계처럼 느껴진다.

유학생활의 이면을 영상으로 찍는다는게 이상하네요.

지금까지 제 인생에서 가장 큰 특권이자 최고의 경험인것처럼

기회가 되시면

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사람들을 더 이상 만나지 않는 이유는

내가 너무 많이 해봤기 때문이고

처음에는 무섭더라도 괜찮을 거라는 걸 알고 마침내 나는


과 일반적으로 세상에 대한 깊은 사랑을 느낍니다.

세계의 문화와 언어, 경험은 다르지만

우리는 모두 인간일 뿐이고

본질적으로 똑같습니다.

약간의 내 경험이 도움이 되었기를

바랍니다. 어떤 식으로든 도움이 되거나

관련이 있을 수 있습니다.

경험이 있다면 저와 공유해 주세요.

하루의 멋진 휴식 시간을 보내시기 바랍니다.


제 대학이나  제 경험을

알려주시면 이번 여름에 촬영해 드릴 수 있습니다






영어 대본 

in the last three years of my degree i


have been lucky enough to call four


cities home i studied my first year in


san francisco i lived for eight months


in berlin i studied a semester in seoul


in south korea i lived in london and in


my final year i'll be moving to


argentina and then taipei and taiwan


like what


my younger self




never have imagined that that would be


the reality of my university life it has


been a dream come true for that to be my


university experience it has been the


most personality defining life-changing


wonderful time


and i think it's so easy to romanticize


i also generally only share the


wonderful parts of this experience


online but there are so many tough parts


to it behind the scenes and i really


want to talk about that today maybe


you've also studied abroad or you're


considering it or maybe you've moved


around a lot during your life but i hope


this provides more insight into what


it's actually like


number one


culture shock no matter how much


research you do about a place culture


shock is just always a thing it can be


so hard to make someone new feel like


home when you just don't feel like you


fit in culturally for example you're


used to always chatting with your


friends on your commute to work or your


commute to school and then all of a


sudden you move to korea where every


single person on the bus will stare at


you if you're talking until you stop


talking it can be the tiniest things


like the way that strangers interact


with you the way that supermarkets work


how you do rubbish disposal like


everything every single part of what


you've known how you've been raised the


value systems that you hold that is


different in different places in the


world and it can just be hard to get


used to number two for me it was having


a budget of four months most of the time


i would only stay in a city for four


months and now that i've done it a few


times it always goes the same way the


first month is this insane culture shock


working out how the city works working


out how to do transport how does


infrastructure work can i make friends


here where do i find a gym where do i


exercise how do i find cheap food places


how do i find cool events how do i live


here how do i survive here the second


month cool you've worked out the really


really hard parts of like the culture


shock the learning the new place but bam


for me that's when uni suddenly starts


getting hard the grace period is over


they start throwing work your way


writing minimum an essay a week and then


cool you're slowly adjusting to that you


get to the third month the third month


is where you're really in your groove


you have set up some routines you know


where to buy your food you maybe even


are starting to make friends you've


gotten to know the layout of the city


you know where you're going and then you


reach the fourth month where you're


almost feeling like a local and you're


planning your next move you're planning


summer or you're planning where you're


going next semester you're thinking


about packing you're thinking about


trying to take off every single place


that you haven't seen yet you've got


final season at university it is the


most hectic four months ever full of


fomo and you know fear of missing out on


all the incredible things that you could


be doing in the city like trying to soak


up the experience as much as you can


while you have it it's falling in love


with the place and the people only to be


forcibly ripped away from it in a few


months and number three is


living somewhere for that period of time




deep enough that you start to feel like


a local but shallow enough


that you never really fit in like you're


never really gonna understand everything


you're not a tourist but you're not a


local maybe you've learned the language


enough now to really have conversations


you know you can go into a shop and you


know the locals and you can have a good


chat but you're not staying long enough


to be properly fluent to be properly


integrated to have long-term friends


long-term relationships number four


while i'm in each of those cities i also


have to navigate the visa process for


the next city so it's like even while


i'm being there trying to be present


i've got my foot in the door of the next


place because visas take forever to be


processed for example i was in berlin


living my best life but i was still


having to go to the korean embassy to


sort my visa for seoul so


it just feels like you're always running


trying to catch up with what's happening


next and that you're not


being fully present where you are in


that city and soaking up the incredible


experience that you're fortunate enough


to have number five the stress of


balancing university with traveling that


much i really don't think i talk about


it enough on here just


how like


hard it is


it's so


hard my uni gives us so much work all


unis are tough but like my god i don't


know if they're all this tough i almost


reach burnout every semester because


it's just an insane amount of essays


insane amount of readings active classes


we do an internship in every city so


we're in the working culture there and


then we also have roommates so you know


that could be a whole semester in itself


just learning how to navigate social


dynamics how to make friends how to look


after your house and make sure it's


always clean and you're interacting well


but then you throw on top of it all the


heavy workload and the fact that you're


moving countries and moving cultures all


the time and it can just be so so


intense as a benefit you become a very


flexible person in many ways i feel like


you could drop me anywhere in the world


in any culture or living with like any


kind of person


and i'll sort of just figure it out




that's what i've been forced to do for


the last few years is how it feels but


it's not relaxing again another benefit


you really have to learn what


habits are essential to keeping you you


like if you have a roommate who always


wants to go to bed at 3am but you


thrive off of having enough sleep and


waking up early then it's up to you to


define that for yourself and to know


that that's important to you and then to


make it happen or to find time for


things like yoga and meditation like


that's so important to me and no one's


gonna do it for me so


you know even though life is stressful


and hectic i've got to carve out the


time to make those habits happen number


six love life guys i don't even know


where to start with the whole love life


thing and how


unideal it is in this crazy study abroad


minerva program let me run you through


some of the best scenarios you have four


scenario one


you have a long distance relationship


from home you see them in the summer you


manage to navigate the time differences


but you live most of your degree never


seeing them you have all these


life-changing experiences and it's not


with your significant other scenario two


you find someone in minerva in


university and in my cohort there's like


160 people so it's not the biggest pool


of people but it's possible that means


you get to travel the world with the you


have someone who really relates to the


crazy study abroad experiences but it


also means it's going to be incredibly


intense for you because there's not much


separation between your lives your


friends will overlap your experiences


will overlap you're probably gonna be


sharing a room together and if you break




it's a small community so good luck


number three you meet someone in one of


the rotation cities you have a whirlwind




you fall deeply in love


and then you leave


and maybe you never see them again and


maybe you can't even get a visa for that


country because


you just have a weaker passport or maybe


you start a long-distance relationship


with them and go on for the rest of your


degree not seeing them in person not


even sure if you can go back to that


country and get a visa in the future or


finally number four you have hookups in


each city or you remain happily single


and so those are your love life options


none of them is ideal let me tell you


generally you also don't choose your


path right so you don't really choose


who you end up liking but i think it is


such a formative time of your life in


your early 20s and


love life and relationships it is a big


part of finding yourself so


it's hard moving around so much and also


navigating that number seven is


losing friends from home i guess you


have this a bit whenever you leave


secondary school and start uni like you


have less daily contact with your




but when you have this added layer of


always being in a different country with


a different time zone and then also


absolutely changing your world view


because you've lived in all these


different cultures and you have friends


from everywhere and you have these


insane life-defining experiences


which just aren't relatable to your


friends back home


you just grow apart i still have a lot


of friends from home and from school but


i think that is one of the biggest


things i mourn in


the degree that i chose is just i can't


really invest back in my roots back home


that much because i'm just not


physically there most of the year like


it's possible to keep friendships it's


just a lot harder and then when you're


also under a lot of stress and pressure


at uni like you just don't always have


the time to


keep up with everyone and that's sad and


i guess it's okay to look back fondly on


friendships that you've had and not have


any animosity in how things drifted




but i think it's still sad and worth


recognizing also for me i found


i often get the biggest sense of comfort


and sense of home when i'm in


international communities i really love


being in communities with this mixed


match culture because it's just so


familiar from uni now so those are some


of the dark sides of studying abroad and


in particular studying abroad in many


places i'd like to talk a bit about my


concept of home and what home means to


me now before my gap year i didn't even


question the thought of home


when i thought of home it was my


hometown in the uk with my family but


now that i've lived in a few different


places and lived there for a long period


of time and made so many memories there


i really feel like i have home in


multiple places there is a piece of me


there is a piece of home in huban chan


in seoul in kreutzberg in berlin and


maybe even more than that home to me


really is


people and the people that i've shared


these experiences with and every time we


have conversations about these places


it's like i'm finding a piece of home


again i think a sad part of this new


concept of home is that


i'm always yearning for another home


like when i'm in the uk obviously i'm


happy and present and i love my family i


love being there


but i'm also like ah i miss berlin and i


miss waking up every day to that life


oh my god i miss being in san francisco


i miss like waking up to the glorious


sun and like going down to the bay and


getting coffee at the place i'd always


go to they almost feel like phases of my


life in each place music has become so


essential to me because it can pull me


back into the lives that i had in each


place and like reminisce them in general


it feels weird to make a video on the


dark sides of studying abroad because


like it is the biggest privilege the




best experience of my life thus far if


you have the opportunity please please




if you can go inter-railing if you can


go to a country near you if you can even


explore areas of your own country that


you haven't just do it like it widens


your whole perspective on the world and


yourself my comfort zone has expanded so


much like it's just not stressful the


thought of


being somewhere new or meeting new


people anymore because


i've done it so many times you know and


i know it's gonna be okay even if it's


initially scary and finally i just feel


such a deep love






and the world in general how fascinating


that we have so many different cultures


and languages and experiences in the


world and yet


we're all just human and we're all


inherently the same and you can find


things to relate with people literally


anywhere you can find parts of yourself


within every culture and place that's


just a little bit of my experience i


hope you found it useful in some way or


maybe relatable please share your


experiences with me if you have any and


i hope you have a wonderful rest of your


day oh and if you want any more videos


about my university or my experience


please let me know and i can film it for


you this summer







